
I have a drive full of movies. And soon I ran out of space. So I decided to remove few movies. Cars got shift+deleted. Next was Angels and Demons. But this popped out an error. "The file does not exist in the system" or something very similar to that. I tried deleting the folder again. Same error. I restarted my system. The error didn't change. I couldn't understand what was going on. How could the file not exist??? I mean, it was right in front of my eyes.

I googled and found many strange solutions for this strange error. I tried many of them but in vain. I tried to create a rar file out of it and encountered same error. Yet the movie inside the folder ran perfectly fine. This kept me wondering for a few days. Then I did what I always do under these circumstances.

Restart. Go to Ubuntu. Mount the media. Now I tried Shift+Deleting the file. Angels and Demons was deleted successfully. What Windows failed to do, Ubuntu accomplished without a fuss. Ofcourse I still don't have a clue why that error came. But from experiences like these I have learnt something.

If something doesn't work in Windows, try in Ubuntu.
If you want to do something, try Ubuntu.
If it doesn't work in Ubuntum it's not worth doing.

Ode On Friendship

When I was born, I inhertied my family
And all my childhood it was all I had;
I can't forget how times passed happily,
For I always had my mom and my dad.

Then as time passed new problems awoke,
I knew not how to speak on this to them;
Then something called friendship arose,
I felt like I was on the world's helm;

I know now that friends are not inherited
And that you gotta be lucky to find real ones;
To lose them would make our hearts devasted,
For they show us the reality of life's essence.

With friends around, one can rule the world,
Atleast that is what they can make us believe;
All my life around me they have swirled,
I only wish to repay them before I am to leave.