I have a drive full of movies. And soon I ran out of space. So I decided to remove few movies. Cars got shift+deleted. Next was Angels and Demons. But this popped out an error. "The file does not exist in the system" or something very similar to that. I tried deleting the folder again. Same error. I restarted my system. The error didn't change. I couldn't understand what was going on. How could the file not exist??? I mean, it was right in front of my eyes.
I googled and found many strange solutions for this strange error. I tried many of them but in vain. I tried to create a rar file out of it and encountered same error. Yet the movie inside the folder ran perfectly fine. This kept me wondering for a few days. Then I did what I always do under these circumstances.
Restart. Go to Ubuntu. Mount the media. Now I tried Shift+Deleting the file. Angels and Demons was deleted successfully. What Windows failed to do, Ubuntu accomplished without a fuss. Ofcourse I still don't have a clue why that error came. But from experiences like these I have learnt something.
If something doesn't work in Windows, try in Ubuntu.
If you want to do something, try Ubuntu.
If it doesn't work in Ubuntum it's not worth doing.