A Boring Post - SOS 1.2

Semester 1
Chapter 3 : Nothing More

This is a boring post. There is nothing terribly interesting here. Nothing funny. Nothing drastically sad. Nothing worth reading twice, in case you go on to read it once.

Exactly like my first semester in TCE. It was one of those days when things don't happen much.

Then why bother post this at all? Because this was part of my college life. Because am too lazy to remember the tiny details in a semester whose most memorable moment was when a staff got pissed off at me. Because a boring semester turned out to be better than some "worstu" parts of my future college life. 

Anyway there I was, at the end of first semester . Still as a geeky nerd and a vegetarian :)

Blankness Is Bliss - SOS 6.x

Sothapals Of A Somberi

Semester 6
Chapter (Not Yet Decided)

Too many thoughts crowd in my head,
It is so bad I cannot even go to bed.
All these memories are making me mad,
For my life has become so so sad.

Then comes the blankness to come save me,
And out of this crappy life it sets me free;
Something I have tried has gone wildly amiss,
It is true, this blankness is bliss.

What was it that I tried? Why the blankness?
To know all this, keep reading, the Sothapals Of A Somberi :D

At The Wrong Place - SOS 1.1

Semester 1
Chapter 2 : First Day Of College

Well it is the first day of my college and I had to go by bus. Now everyone knows am not very good at going from one place to another on my own. So I got into the most direct bus from my house to college. That would be the 31 numbered bus. Now, remember this is the first day of my college and I had no idea where to get down. All I knew was it takes approximately thrity minutes to get there. And sure, after 25 min, I did reach the place. I asked the conductor if that stop is the college. Just to be sure. After getting an affirmative, I got down. And as soon as the bus left, I knew something was wrong.
What I had not known was that the stop right before my college stop is called "Mannar College". Why? Because there is a freaking college there. Right before my college stop is another college. I had gotten down at the wrong stop. Shyte.
It was a good thing I had started early that day. So I decided to walk my way from there to my college. What I didn't know was that it was a 20 min walk. I got there in 30 minutes.
I reached the class in time. The first period was Chemistry. He started teaching immediately. Thus five minutes into the first hour of my college class hours I was fast asleep.

Orientation - SOS 1.0

Semester 1
Chapter 1 : Orientation

Orientation is the start of college life. They take you around the college showing you around. Generally dull stuff. But my first sothapal starts there :)

I wore what could be the worst choice for a shirt. A black shirt with orangish collar and sleeve. Yes, orange. Reasonably bright orange at that. That seemed to upset a few staff. I get shouted at on my first day of college. For wearing a bright shirt.

Unfortunately I wore that day only once again I think. And that day was when they took photograph for my college ID card. So no surprise I look like a moron in my college ID card. Which I have to use for four years.

But it was not all bad that day. The first conversation I had with a college mate was with someone who would be my classmate for all four years. He was disgusted with hostel food. Being at my grandparent's place I felt reasonably better. That person is the one whom we all now affectionately call Biscuit :D