I was actually a little happy that something like this happened because it proved that avast! was doing something to protect my pc( I had long doubted if it did anything at all). Mr.avast! showed the same trojan was present in all my drives. I clicked delete and for a full five seconds everything seemed fine. Then the pop up came. Again. Same trojan, same place. The trojan refused to get deleted. Well guess avast! is not exactly the best anti-virus around.
I thought I would delete it personally but the file wasn't visible. Of course. It wasn't a hidden file too. Well after trying to solve this using Autorun Eater, Spyware Terminator both of which are in my PC and being too lazy to find a better anti-virus, I began to wonder if it was time to format my PC. Then I remembered something. Linux.
I have a distro of Linux (TOSS) in my PC. Now TOSS and Windows are two different OS and have their own way of handling files. So I went into TOSS and into my C Drive. And there it was, the trojan sitting pretty. It had even created a text file of size 1.5 GB! After a few seconds hesitation, I shift+deleted the trojan from all the drives and any other suspicious files. Restart. Windows started without much fuss. No trouble from trojans. avast! went back to do it's job(which am still not sure about).
Though the method to get rid of the trojan seemed crude, it did work and my PC has been running well so far. Linux ftw i guess :)
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