10 Things Parents Must Know About Their Younger Child

Being a younger brother, I know how things go with parents and the "big" brother. But whatever happens most parents don't seem to get few things like...

-> We are not a smaller version of our brother.

-> Big brothers are physically stronger than us. So we re not stupid enough to have started a fight with him, whatever he says.

-> We do not appreciate being told how good our big brother was.

-> We and they do not face the same competition. Ours is more tougher.

-> When we do something, like telling a lie, we are not doing it exactly like our brother. We are doing it like a billion other people.

->We do not exactly enjoy when someone says "You will maybe one day become like your brother".

-> Just because they are bit older than us does not mean we have to take his share of the beatings.

-> It is not technically possible for me to score more marks in 10th than he did in 12th. I write for 1100, he writes for 1200.

-> We are not responsible for his low marks in his Board exam.

-> It is not my fault I am not as tall as my brother. It is not, in most cases, biologically possible.


sai... comfortably dumb said...

hey da! i read all ur posts! u seem v deep! i liked all of them! the poem of the dying man was AWESOME. great work da! keep it up! keep writing!

Unknown said...

my dear son,

i am much moved by this..

of course myself and mom can't object to any thing you have written..

but our love to you is beyond this. if u understand this, then u will really appreciate the sense of us i saying so..

it is not for comparison..

elder or younger.. both are our good and great children..

our love to both is always same..

of course .. i still think a lot on what u have written..
good ..

with special love daddy anandan